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Level Design


1 VS 1

1 VS 1

2 VS 2

Here are different maps I made on the map editor of the strategy game Wargroove, I aimed to make them as competitive as possible while leaving some interesting path possibilities. I also wanted them to look like maps from the base game, and I think I succeeded on that point.

Map of a Dark Fanasy World

In a 5th grade environment and character design class we had to create a coherent world. It had to include 4 major civilizations each with their own timeline, stories and some main characters. We decided to create a Dark Fantasy world mixing medieval and Cosmic/Lovcraftian Horror, here is the map of this world named "Orkos".

Level Building Diorama

This is a diorama of a pirate island made during my 2nd year during a course on Unity.


Game Concept


Powerpoint Skills

I also train on Powerpoint to make animated and professional presentations to keep my audience active and enthusiastic. You can see here some examples of animations that I have done, some of them were inspired by other templates but I learned to remake and modify them.

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